
Showing posts from July, 2014

Sitecore - Has an item been published

How to keep track of what Sitecore items have been published I recently got this question from a colleague who was looking into a customer reported issue. He was wondering if he could see if this specific page/item has already been published. The default answer here would be to check the "Web" db or any other publishing target. However, this is a tedious task when checking multiple pages as well as when these pages are nested deeply within your root structure. So I decided to see what the web had to offer with regards to this. I first found a Sitecore answer that gave a list of the Items that were in the publish queue. This provides insight into what has NOT been published yet. But does not show what HAS been published: This was however not what I needed, an I continued on... The solution come from Stack Exchange:

Sitecore Hidden Gems: Virtual Site setup

Multi-Site setup with Sitecore Sitecore is in my opinion one of the easiest CMS's out there to facilitate a multi-site setup. It offers a number of approaches to doing so. You can either create entirely different structures and implement it as such so that through security and configuration entire different structures can be disclosed while at the same time specific content can still be shared in one location. But you can just as easily decide that a specific node within your website should function as a seperate site with its own visualisation and behavior. For example, you might want the following structure within Sitecore : " Corporate Home > Tertiary pages > B2B > Support " to be disclosed under the following url: In order to do so I tend to revert to the Virutal Site setup that is available within Sitecore How-To Siteore configures its mapping of the various path, hostnames, databases and so on thr...